i just love the textures on the old stone and the decay of the surroundings. and today, i found a tiny yet beautiful little cemetery with the most AMAZINGLY decorated iron doors. i will be returning when I'm fully prepared. i cant wait till i can drive and go seeking more interesting places to shoot my little muse :) she was so sweet today!
they look much better large, click to view full size.
i swear she'll be crawling in a matter of weeks. I'm training her at the moment.
this one looks SO much better bigger, all you do is click :)
Ohhh I just love them <3 And she just has that perfect classic look to her to be so fitting, too. I would love love LOVE to see you take her back in a little winter furred cloak or something... that would be awesome. I LOVE the headpiece too, btw.
These are awesome.. You and Amanda have the best Cemetaries.. Ours dont have the same history or feel to them. Great location so more please Amelia... these rock..
i LOVE the one of her little hand touching the stone :D youre so talented honey
Aww, how adorable is she?! I especially love #3. Is the vignetting natural or photoshopped? If natural, then I'm going to die waiting for my 20D to get here.
Let me know if you find that the baby signs thing works. I've been interested in it ever since I heard about it in a psych class, and I'd love more input on whether I should be planning to do it with my own little ones in the future.
Ah so love these. Thought I had commented, but don't guess I did. Love the textures and tones.
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