Tuesday, 19 August 2008

2 Days to go!!!

Just adding the finishing touches with just 2 days till baby should arrive.....im convinced she'll be a september baby though....but here's to hoping :)

and because everyone keeps asking.....here is a bump update (i hope the last, i cant wait to be human again!)


Anonymous said...

Aww, congratulations! I had no idea you were so close to due. Have a good birthing, and I can't wait to see the baby photos! <3

Anonymous said...

You STILL have a cute LITTLE tummy. You're so gorgeous :) I LOVE the shoes. Crossing my fingers for an on-time bub.

.E. said...

get one of those big exersize balls and sit on it and gently bounce up and down on it.. ( hold on to a table or chair for balance ) it so helps to induce labor .. just a trick that a labor and delivery nurse told me.. I bounced myself into labor with both Nate and Cierra.. Good Luck with everything you look fantastic though you may not think so but you do..

Anonymous said...

OMGosh, you have the most cutest tummy ever!
Look at you! Gorgeous!
Can't wait to meet this lil one.. thinking of you!