Monday, 11 February 2008


This photo was her idea, im so glad i listened to her, i love it.
click to view bigger

Just playing around to get some ideas for the final shots of the Matilda Jane clothes. These were actually for 8-10 yr olds, and she is a very tall very skinny 11 yr old. but all the same, the time/sunlight/location worked beautifully! i was really excited to get something done...lets just hope the sunshine holds up.
the sun quickly got lower and much more orange, and the sky was SO blue!

I probably have a few more to share, but i have too much work to get done this week.


Anonymous said...

WOW, she's gorgeous! Great colors, and sweet poses. =)

.E. said...

These are beautiful.. she has a classic beauty about her..

Anonymous said...

Your images are always so captiviating! Gorgeous work!!!!

Anonymous said...

wow! the color in these are amazing. and i love the poses she's doing!

mindy said...

i can't even tell you how much i love these. i love the processing in the first two so much!