Monday, 14 January 2008

Some photos to pass the time

Hayden is obsessed with my rabbits, the second he arrives....its 'Milly RABBITS!' so we went out in the rain and fed and watered them. He was fine for a while...but then out came the wrecking ball attitude. Seriously he is such a 'BOY'!!! lol.

Examples needed i think :)

Title: "Hayden dont throw Stones"

he then ran to the rabbit hutch, took the feeding bowl and smashed it on the concrete....all in a second...ugh, so glad it didnt bounce up and hit him in the face...goodness.

i have others, but im sleep time x


Anonymous said...

Been a silent visitor for a while, but had to comment just to tell you the processing on that b/w triptych is just gorgeous.

Nicely done. :)

.E. said...

Those eyes on Hayden.. are killer.. wow.. you can tell he is going to be a charmer..

Steffi said...

Very cute pictures!